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Using Rice

Long grain white rice is a commonly used rice. There are many kinds of rice that can be successfully stored. In my research of grains/nutrition, I noticed that white rice retains a bit more nutrition than most other refined grains.  Long grain rice cooks up less 'sticky', thus great to use in fried rice. Because we are talking basic food storage, long grain white rice is my choice for storage rice.  We choose to purchase bulk (25 to 50# bags) long grain white rice for daily use, and also buy it in #10 cans for long term storage, which will store for 30 years. We actually have buckets with gamma lids for storing and using bulk items. Every 3 to 6 years, might be a good idea to open oldest case of rice (six #10 cans), remove oxygen packets, pour into the bucket to use. Then buy a new case for storing. This is a way to slowly but steadily rotate and replace long term basic storage items. Keep storage marked with a permanent marker: such as if you bought a case of rice in #10 cans  May of 2018,  mark it with an expiration date of May in 2048. That way if someone else is using it by then, they have a record right on the box.



Brown rice is healthier, but it is not a long-term storage item.


Brown rice is one of the easiest whole grains/fiber foods to

get used to when switching to whole grains instead of refined. 


Keep it in the fridge or freezer to extend storage time, as it can go rancid within 3 to 5 months if kept in the cupboard. Again, IF you wish to store brown rice, it must be kept in a fridge or freezer

to keep the essential oils in the rice from quickly going rancid. 




As far as pricing goes, consider this: let's say you bought a pound of white long grain rice for 60 cents. A pound equals 2 cups dry rice and 6 cups when cooked. That means your cooked rice is

10 cents per cup. 




Cooking Rice
Definitely more than one cooking method for white rice, and many people have a rice cooker which simplifies it tremendously.  I don't have a rice cooker, here's my method:

1 c. long grain white rice
2 c. water

Bring to rapid boiling, turn heat to lowest simmer, cover, set timer for 14 minutes.  At end of time, turn off heat, keep covered another 10 minutes (set timer). Then fluff with a fork. This makes 3 cups of cooked rice.




Things we make with rice:



Brown rice n' raisins for breakfast

Chicken or Ham fried rice

Bean pie with rice shell

Green chili rice bowls

Zucchini rice cakes/other rice cakes

Arancini w/marinara sauce

Chicken rice soup

Loosianna rice bowls

Mom's rice pudding

Coconut rice pudding


We use cooked rice with beans, in burritos, stir frys, in scrambled eggs and frittatas, in casseroles such as chicken divan, risotto, buttered as a side dish, etc. It is often brown rice but we like white

rice also!​






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