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Do remember that many pastas are refined food, thus use in moderation.

In this section, I will include my homemade noodle recipe, which is part whole wheat flour.


First of all, macaroni and spaghetti can be stored 30 years in #10 cans, find a pdf form from LDS Home Storage Center and you can see their current prices.


For other pasta that is purchased on sale, I like to rotate them on a 12-24 month schedule, storing them in original bag/box on shelf in cool, dark, dry place. (I watch for 16 oz. bags/boxes to go on sale for $.50 each). If storing it longer, pasta can be frozen instead of just kept in cool storage area. BUT......put it into freezer zip-loc bags, do not freeze it in the package it comes in, most of those bags will break when frozen......ask me how I know this!!!







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